No better gift to give than the gift of music making!

Gift Card

Gift cards can be put toward all Teletone Audio products. Ordering is simple and delivery is via email. Gift cards can also be printed and wrapped up as a present.

How do gift cards work?


The gift giver

buys a gift card for an amount on this page.


Gift giver

receives the Teletone Audio Gift Card by email, with a printable version available via a link in the email.


Gift giver

can either forward on the email to the gift receiver, or print out the gift card to give in-person or snail mail.


The gift receiver

enters the code in the gift card section at checkout on and the gift amount is deducted from the amount at checkout. If the gift does not cover the entire amount the gift receiver will be responsible for the difference.

Gift Card

Please read the Terms and Conditions before purchasing a gift card. Section 21 of Terms and Conditions.